A delightful venue and such a friendly well, organised show which I was honoured to be asked to judge. I thoroughly enjoyed my day. Huge thanks to my Stewards, Kerry Tresh and Chris Wilson who managed to keep the whole day as easy for me as possible,even in the drizzling rain. To my exhibitors and their hounds, thank you for your entries and allowing me the privilige of judging each exhibit.
For the last few years I have been concerned about the quality of the hind action especially in the dogs. Unfortunately I found that this is still prevalent today and now affecting the bitches as well.
I was surprised to find that some hounds teeth could be cleaner. On a good note tightness of feet has improved and I had no light eyes. I apologise for some rather short critiques, limited by the wet weather, but I was delighted with my winners.
Puppy Dog {1 , 1 absent)
Junior Dog ( 3 , 1 )
1. Finnett & Heathcote's Hyndsight Endless Flight. I liked this dark young male, lovely head and expression with tight ears and a real dark eye. Well proportioned in side profile with low hocks. Initially he was a little erratic on the move but settled coming and going, one to watch for the future.
2. LLewellyn's Hunkydory Bowie At Kilbourne. Different type to my winner in profile masculine head but not the expression of 1. Depth to chest and width to hindquarters, higher hocks resulting in closer rear action on the move. I would prefer tighter feet.
Special Beginners Dog ( 0 , 0)
Special Yearling Dog ( 1 , 1)
Undergraduate Dog (2 , 0)
1. Wilce Quinton & Quinton's Hyndsight Skirl. Masculine hound with dark eye but would prefer tighter ear. Correct shoulder placement and width to chest, top line a little flat, he moved out with drive which won him his place.
2. Tan & Whittle's Pyefleet Victor Two. Larger upright hound with more coat but carrying less weight and not as bodied up as 1 but workmanlike. Moved well but with more condition this should improve.
Postgraduate Dog ( 4 , 2 )
1. Stuart & Holt's Ollandsheart Abraham. I loved this hound's head and expression which just took me in. Not overly masculine but true to type. He has a correct shoulder, in profile possibly a little short coupled but has plenty of width to rear and moved out well.
2. Lewis' Luckhurst Paisley. Masculine hound with good bone, well knuckled feet and overall well balanced. Pushed my winner but just lost out on rear movement.
Open Dog ( 5 , 1 )
1. Peach's Tiobraid Solo Venture to Kilbourne. Couldn't ignore this male who stood out in the class. Masculine head, slightly coarse but strong neck with width in shoulder and in hard muscular condition. Well balanced with good length, would prefer tighter feet. Moved effortlessly around the ring and pleased to award him BD and RBIS.
2. Trotman & Dockree's Stainlonan Pageant of Penherald. Different type but I really liked this hound. lovely dark eye with tight ears. Deep chest with flowing lines to rear quarters that had such width with length from hip to hock. He needs more condition and muscle but pleased to award him RBD.
Veteran Dog ( 1 , 0 )
1. Buchanan's Sireadh Corsa at Meneghy. 8 1/2 yr old light grey male his and his handler's first ever show. Pleasing outline, good bone and length, movement defying his years as he went around the ring. He could benefit by carrying more weight but I was pleased to award him BV.
Puppy Bitch ( 2 , 2 )
Junior Bitch ( 7 , 1 )
1. Finnett & Heathcote's Hyndsight Restless Spirit. Litter sister to my JD winner and similar in type. Dark coarse coat with a such a femine head in muscular condition, liked her in profile although I would prefer a little more length but she has plenty of width to hindquarters and didn't disappoint on the move.
2. Wilce Quinton & Quinton's Kilbourne Louisa Chick at Kirjojax. A different type to 1 good bone and width to chest slight slope to pasterns. Movement not as true coming and going as my winner but she held her top line.
Special Beginners Bitch ( 2 , 2 )
Special Yearling Bitch ( 1 , 0 )
1.Tan & Helps' Beardswood Uliana. Dark coated bitch with well knuckled feet, in profile she tends to dip her top line but recovers on the move, this may improve with time. Would prefer more width to thigh but moved so much better in this class having time to settle.
Undergraduate Bitch ( 5 , 1 )
1. Paisey's Hyndsight Fields Of Gold. 12mths young bitch thoroughly enjoying her day out. Femine head, dark eye, tight ears and feet and in profile she looks balanced. Good width to rear and in this class she settled and moved with drive which was easier to assess and easier for her patient handler and won her the class.
2. Lewis's Luckhurst Paloma. This dark bitch just oozed presence as she entered the ring and I thought I had found my winner. In profile well balanced with deep chest but I would have preferred lower hocks which resulted in a little erratic movement going away. I was disappointed not to be able to award her higher placement.
Postgraduate Bitch. ( 4 , 1 )
1. Girling's Pyefleet Ursula. Typical head with tight ear and in good coat, a little undershot in jaw. In profile she looked workmanlike but tending to roach her top line but moved out with purpose and relaxed top line which won her the class. I now note that I judged her as a puppy and was pleased see her again and award her RBB.
2. Stuart & Holt's Ollandsheart Nancy. Dark bitch with most femine head. This bitch has filled my eye before in the ring but today she seems to be in a growth spurt. She has good length throughout is a little weak in pasterns resulting in movement coming and going not as true as 1.
Open Bitch ( 7 , 1 )
1. Lucas & Dargonne's Packway Little Loxley. I really liked this bitch, not the biggest in size but well proportioned. She has a sweet feminine head, tight feet and plenty of width front and rear, top line a little flat but I forgave her as she settled and moved with drive, effortlessly around the ring. Pleased to award her a well deserved BB and BIS.
2. Trotman & Dockree's Stainlonan Rend of Penherald. Unfortunate to meet my winner in this class. Very similar to her litter brother with good proportions and such width to rear and thigh and low hocks that made her movement true, but a little more muscle condition would assist her placing. I will watch her future with interest.
Veteran Bitch ( 4 , 2 )
1. Seymour Jackson's Cassacre Aelfrida of Ghiltan. 8 1/2 yrs looking in good condition for her years. Good bone and depth to chest with width of thigh and low hocks. She tends to drop her top line on the move but I forgave her as she was looking for her handler.
2. Spring Arnold's Gentiehun Alice Springs. 7yr bitch different type to my winner lighter built with dark eye and tight feet. A little upright in shoulder I would prefer more width to front, she moved well. |